
วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2557

How to say "What's Up?" as a Greeting in Spaninsh

How to say "What's Up?" as a Greeting in Spanish

Ask "¿Qué pasa?" This is means "what’s happening" or "what's going on?" or "what's up?" Used among friends.
Pronounce as "KAY PAH-sah"

Ask "¿Qué tal?" This is means "what’s up?" or "Hello." It's the familiar/friendly version of "¿Qué tal está Usted" or "¿Qué tal estás” Used among friends.
Pronounce as "KAY TAHL"

Ask "¿Cómo te va?" This is means "how’s it going for you?" or "how are you getting on?" Used among friends.
Pronounce as "COH-moh tay VAH"

Ask "¿Qué onda?" This is means "what’s shaking?" (Literally is “what wave”). Used among friends.

Pronounce as "KAY OHN-dah"

